
This posting may be hard for some to hear.  It was for me. Worry can consume us all at times.  What we fear most is typically what we value most.  If we value our children, typically we are fearful that something might happen to them.  That being said, whatever we fear the most, is where we trust God the least.  Ouch!
Worry is a matter of perspective.  What we worry about are those things that we tend to say God cannot take care of right now.  We do not trust Him enough to hand over those things that we worry most about because truthfully, we feel, we need to be in complete control of those things. It is not true.  It is a lie.  The enemy does not want us to turn those things over to God because the longer we hold tight to whatever it is that has us worried or afraid, the longer we keep God from having the control from doing just what it is He has planned.

Paul tells us in Philippians to Rejoice in the Lord…because the Lord is near.   God holds all things together.  We do not have to worry, be anxious or fearful when we know who ultimately is in control.  We do not have to worry about the how when we have the Who in our life.  At times, we feel like our lives are lacking certain things.  We want to be married or to have children and it just is not happening.  We ask why.  We worry about the when.  Our life becomes consumed with anxious feelings and we lose sight of just Who it is that is in charge of it all.  He has a plan!  It may not be the plan that we want but He has a purpose for the why.  He is just waiting for us to turn every piece of it over to Him.  It is only then that He can begin to do His work.  When we finally reach a place where we can say we trust Him, let go of the worry and seek His face then our perspective will change. We begin to trust God with those things that we cannot do and we will begin to see Him do amazing things we never knew possible. 

What are you worried about?  What has you afraid?  What are holding too tightly to that you need to let go?  I promise you, the tighter your grip, the longer you are going to wait.  He has a plan.  Something amazing He wants to do but your fear is keeping Him from accomplishing His work.  Let it go!!   He is faithful!

Trust in the Lord and do good.
    Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
    Trust him, and he will help you.

Psalm 37:3-5


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