Follow Me!

Follow?  What does it mean to follow Jesus?  Sometimes I forget just how simple and sinful the men were whom Jesus asked to follow Him.  I live a stone’s throw from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  When I moved to this area ten years ago, all of the seminary students that surrounded me intimidated me.  I felt inferior to them in every way.  They sat in front of Bible scholars and professors while their minds were filled daily with extraordinary theology.  They definitely knew more than I did.  They definitely had to know God more intimately.

Is it not crazy the way in which our mind works?  Those thoughts could not have been further from the truth.  Yes, they are getting an education but they are not establishing a direct line to God that I cannot have myself.  Though it may feel that way at times, the truth of the matter is that Jesus did not call the great theologians of His time to follow Him.  He called the simple and sinful men to be “fishers of men”.  What a revelation.
Following Jesus means realizing who He is and being willing to trust Him enough to let go of everything else we know to be true. It is choosing to follow Him. It is recognizing that by choosing to follow Him is a true commitment to pursue His destiny for our lives instead of the destiny that we have planned in our heads.  To follow Him is a radical commitment and when we make that choice, it will forever change the way we see the world and the way in which we live out our life.  


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