Psalm 91:9-12
If you make the LORD your refuge,
if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you;
no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels
to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands
so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.
When things begin to feel completely hopeless in my life, instead of freaking out, I go into the secret place of the Lord. I choose to shout His praises when I recognize the enemies attempt to bring me down. I find refuge and strength under the shadow of the Almighty. When I worship and seek after God, HE fights my battles. It's taken years to reach this place. I do NOT always recognize the attacks of the enemy the second they start but I'm getting better. I'm learning to trust, abide and rest in the arms of my Savior.
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