A friend of mine has been praying the psalms over me
daily. Today, I am claiming Psalm 34 for
2011 taught me a lot. I know the story of Esther and Job like never
before. I accept God’s love and grace
for me like never before. I understand
the sacrifice in which Christ made for me on the cross like never before. I know and am more confident than ever before
that “Nothing touches your life that
has not first passed through the hands of God. He is in full control, and
because He is, He has the sovereign right to permit trials that we don't
deserve.” (Charles Swindoll)
I have listened to
those who have gone on and on about how God did not allow any of these bad
things to happen. He would not have allowed
this outcome. They have stated in so
many words that this outcome is punishment.
Again, here is my statement to you….
I will begin with
an amazing quote from Charles Swindoll that better states anything I feel I could
write at the moment. In this quote, he
is speaking on the story of Job found in Job 1:1-12. “As he (Job) sleeps, another scene opens to us that Job
doesn't see. Similar things happen in our lives as well. When we're not aware
of it, God is carrying out a plan that would amaze us and, on occasion, shock
us. He is permitting things to get underway that we would have never expected.
Without Job's knowledge, something is happening in the heavenlies. We are
transported from Planet Earth to the third heaven to witness its occurrence.
As the Lord God looks about, He sees His
angelic servants who have come to present themselves before Him. And why not?
They're accountable to Him. They do His bidding as they carry out His divine
Suddenly the Accuser appears among the other
angels. He is the evil one who accuses God's people day and night.
Pause and remember that Satan is not a little
imp with a red body, carrying a pitchfork, and sitting on one of your shoulders
whispering ugly little nothings in your ear. That's a medieval caricature that
Satan would love for you to believe. Instead, he is the most attractive, brilliant, powerful archangel that God ever
created. He has not lost his brilliance. He has not lost his power. He has
certainly not lost his appealing beauty. He is also insidious. Satan's favorite
method of working is behind the scenes. Because
he is invisible does not mean he is not real. As we will see a little
later, he has personality. And he is
engaged in a relentless commitment to destroying God's people and opposing
God's plan. It is this insidious
adversary we find standing in the
heavenlies among the group of faithful angelic servants.
Look at the permission slip He hands Satan.
"All that he has is yours to deal with." He adds a caveat, "only
do not put forth your hand on him" (Job
1:12). "Don't you touch his life. Don't
touch his body or his soul or his mind. You can remove his possessions, and you
can attack his family, but leave the man, himself, alone."
Satan departed from the presence of the Lord
with a sinister grin. Keep in mind, Job knew nothing of that dialogue and the
evil that would soon befall him. And remember this: we don't know what wicked
schemes Satan is planning against us either.”
There it is my friends. The key to the story. “Keep in mind, Job knew nothing of that
dialogue and the evil that would soon befall him. And remember this: we don't
know what wicked schemes Satan is planning against us either.” Everything
was taken from him. He lost everything
because God gave permission to Satan to test the faith of Job. God did not personally inflict the pain,
death and heartache upon Job Himself but He gave Satan the Ok. God gave
permission to Satan to do as he pleased to Job however there was a restriction in
which Satan had to abide to. Do you understand that? Satan was given limits. He could not step out of what God permitted!
God is in control of everything
that takes place. Satan has great power
and creativity but God sets the boundaries.
There are a lot out there who do not want to hear that much less believe
it. There was a time I didn’t want to
either. I remember when Columbine
happened. I was young in my faith and
questioned why in the world God would allow such a tragedy to take place. I didn’t understand how he could allow
innocent children to die. I can now understand
my own questions of why but only because of my faith and confidence in who He
God has a plan we do not
understand. He has a reason behind every
event whether good or bad. Yes, sin and
Satan are behind the horror that takes place but God allows those things so
that we may draw closer to Him. He
allows these things so that we may place our hope and trust in Him alone and
not ourselves. We cannot control what
happens. Every event whether great or
small is accomplished, determined, played out only after it has passed through
the hands of God and His approval has been given.
God sees all things. He sees the big picture. We are only a small portion of a big
plan. In our darkest hour, we cannot see
an inch in front of us but it leaves us vulnerable to trust God for direction. We’re left searching for His presence and His
voice. For me, one of the exciting things
I have found is knowing that He is right there.
He is allowing a process to unfold in order for my faith to grow. I have confidence in knowing that He will not
allow evil to overcome and have the victory.
In the moment, it may appear that evil has won but I have confidence in
His promises that there is still so much more to my story and so much more to
Psalm 34 says, (vs. 15-18) “The eyes of
the Lord watch
over those who do right; his ears
are open to their cries for help. But
the Lord turns
his face against those who do evil; he
will erase their memory from the earth. The Lord hears his people when they call to
him for help. He rescues them from
all their troubles. The Lord is
close to the brokenhearted; he
rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”
I believe this!
I claim it! I know that God’s
hand is upon me and He sees all things.
I believe He hears every word spoken by me, to me as well as knows every
tear I have cried. He is fully aware of
the hurt I have had and the cause of those hurts. I know He will rescue me from
those who have caused harm. I believe
it! I claim it with everything in me
because He has proven time and time again that He IS faithful!! Through it all
I have realized that God turns His back on those that do harm and evil to
others. I believe a point comes when the
heart of those who do evil becomes hardened and God’s hand is no longer upon
Psalm 34 also says that (vs20)“The righteous person faces
many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous;
not one of them is broken.”
We are not promised a
life without heartache and storms.
Without those things we would never grow in our faith. However we are
given the promises throughout scripture that God is on our side and that He
WILL rescue us each and every time! He
protects me all the time, every time!
Psalm 34:21-22 says
that “calamity will surely overtake the
wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be punished. But the Lord will
redeem those who serve Him. No one who
takes refuge in Him will be condemned.”
How can you argue with
that verse? God promises to punish those
who are wicked and who devise evil schemes.
You do not cause harm to His children and go unpunished. He redeems those who serve Him and we can
take refuge in His arms of love and know that in the end, He has the victory!
All the time, every time!!
I have been through a
lot but I know others who have been through so much more. We are all dealt crummy hands in life at one
time or another but the choice is ours.
Will we cling to Christ and trust His best for us or will we allow doubt
to creep in leaving us to forget His faithfulness? The choice is yours to make! What choice will you make in 2012?
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