I immediately woke up this morning reminded of the hurt that I have experienced from others. I was in tears before my feet even hit the floor. I tried to shake it off and not think about it but the more I ignored it the angrier I became.
Finally, I sat down and opened up my bible, hoping to find some peace and direction. God led me to Psalm 64:6-7
"They plot injustice and say,
"We have devised a perfect plan!"
Surely the mind and heart of man are cunning.
But God will shoot them with arrows;
suddenly they will be struck down."
Now you are probably thinking that this led me to the whole "God will avenge those who have wronged me" kind of thinking but it didn't. He led me down a very different path. When I saw the "shoot them with arrows" my mind focused on the "arrows" and He began speaking to me.
God does not want anger and bitterness to rob us of His blessings and the joy in our life. Instead, this morning, an "arrow" hit my heart and reminded me that I have not completely dealt with my anger and hurt. He is an awesome God with an amazing love for us and reveals those things to us that hinder us from His blessings. I need to deal with the issues that are consuming my thoughts, my emotions and my energy.
It is so much easier to hold on to feelings of unforgiveness and anger but God calls us to do the exact opposite. We are to forgive and to move beyond the hurt and must choose to let it go. Once that happens we can then experience the blessings that He has for us and find joy again.
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