Chemicals and Weeds
I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11
As I was driving through town yesterday, I noticed an elderly man carrying a container of weed killer and walking toward a lonely dandelion in the front of his yard. He walked slowly and hunched over and I wondered why he was going to all that trouble for just one lonely weed. As I drove on, I begin to think about that one weed. I thought about how quickly weeds spread and the thought occurred to me that if he did not treat the weed now, before long that the one weed would turn into many and would consume his yard.
Sin is much like those weeds. We allow one sinful thing into our lives and it can quickly begin to spread and overtake our heart and our life. It is a shame there is not a container of "sin killer" that we are able to pick up at the local garden supply store to eradicate all the sin in our lives but truth be told, we will always sin and will always have sin in our lives. Just like that elderly man though, we need to be aware of those sins and contain them before they can spread and reap total havoc within our lives. Though we do not have a chemical to rid of us such things, we do have the Holy Spirit actively living within as well as God's word to guide us if we only choose to listen and obey. When we seek after Him and His ways, we will find that we will have a much greater victory over those sins that try to creep into our lives and bring about destruction.
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