Thank you
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy"
Philippians 1:3-4
This blog has been up and running for almost a year and so for almost a year, I have shared with readers where I am in my walk and what God has been teaching me. This past year for me has been extremely difficult, as God has tested me in so many different ways. There has been tremendous hurt and betrayal but I have also been blessed in amazing, amazing ways. I have experienced love in a way that I have never known and have finally understood what being in God's will looked like and meant. He has taught me so very much and I am more than thankful for the opportunities that He has laid before me to share who He is in my life and what He has done. I want to thank all those who have followed this blog and who have helped to hold me accountable. Your encouragement and faithfulness through friendship has been amazing! I have been tremendously blessed by your love and support as I pressed on to do what I felt led to do.
As the year ends, I just wanted to express my thankfulness to you all and wish each of you a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our awesome Savior. May your new year be blessed with His love, mercy and grace.
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