Abounding Love
But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Psalm 86:15
Many walk around finding it necessary to bring down others in order to feel as if their own life makes more sense. We find ourselves wrapped up in sin and the ways of the world and become blind to God's truth and so we begin attacking those around us who focus on truth and try to walk in a way that is pleasing to God. In a sense, you could say that we are spiritual bullies. We tend to rebel and blame others as our reason for not attending church because it is easier than recognizing our own faults and failures. Why focus on our own faults and the mistakes we have made in our lives when we can place the blame on someone else. We are choosing to pull away from God and walk in disobedience rather than walking in truth and it is heartbreaking to God.
God is compassionate and abounding in love and more often times than not we have trouble forgiving others or showing mercy or moving past hurt because we have not discovered the depths of God's mercy in our own lives.
Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Psalm 51:1
What excuses do you throw at the world when you are down? Do you tend to blame others for your lack of commitment to Christ? Do you find yourself finding it necessary to hurt others in order to make yourself feel better? What is the condition of your heart? Whom are you trying to please? We have a Father in Heaven who loves us and wants nothing more than to be the center of our world. He wants us to be wrapped up in His love so that we do not even notice the punches that the world throws our way. When we are wrapped in His arms and in His love, we can overcome any attack that crosses our path as well as forgive those who hurt us, and most importantly love them.
Examine your heart. Are you that rebellious child that needs discipline from your Father? Maybe you are unmerciful and are denying others the mercy that they need so much. Rebellion and disobedience will keep you from feeling love and mercy from God. Stop going through the motions "Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate." (Joel 2:13)
This posting is so true of Christians. We tend to be the most critical of one another and the last to offer forgiveness. Sometimes it makes me wonder if we as Christians even understand what mercy is. Great posting! Made me think.