Change My Heart
"He has now reconciled you in His body of flesh by His death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before Him."
Colossians 1:22
Often times new Christians find themselves struggling with the slowness of change in their life. There is a misconception that a magical transformation takes place and suddenly we no longer desire the sins of our past or we wake up every morning wanting to pick up our Bible first thing.
Although it does not always come so easily, we are taught to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. When we accept Christ into our lives, God creates in us a new and pure heart. "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (Psalms 51:10 NIV)
Once we allow Christ into our lives, the blood of Jesus begins to scrub away the filth of our sins and imperfections that have blackened our heart and the Holy Spirit flows through bringing it new life. He takes our broken, unclean and stained heart and makes it pure and purposeful for His kingdom.
On our own, we cannot transform or even cleanse our own hearts but we do a have a part to play. We must be willing to submit to God and humble ourselves before Him. Once we fully surrender our hearts to Christ, acknowledge our need for a Savior and confess our sins and weaknesses, He is then able to make those changes within us. Our hearts are no longer broken and stained but instead made whole and clean. Suddenly we develop a new attitude, a life of joy and not one of distrust and damage.
Releasing the hold we have on our own lives and turning it over to God is when we will finally begin to see the transformation in our life take place. Once we let go of the control we have of our life and release the sin we hold on to, we will then begin to desire His Word for the direction that we seek after in life.
The change of our attitude is not always instantaneous but God gives us the new heart immediately. It is up to us as to whether we will submit to Him or continue to cling to our old ways. Once we do, our new heart allows us the opportunity of a fresh start and the ability to increase our faith in God. Our heart will be focused on Him and align with Him in which we are able to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.
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