He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
How often do we find ourselves in the rut of frustration with our lives? We cannot obtain satisfaction no matter where we look. Suddenly, nothing in our lives seems sufficient. Our house is too small, our cars are too old, we are not successful in our job, we are not popular as others may be, our wardrobe needs updating and so on. Our life appears void and we compare who and what we are to those we come in contact with and before too long, we are resenting the whole world. How does this happen?
We do not get frustrated that life has no meaning but instead become frustrated that we have not discovered its true meaning. We each long for a life that is full of purpose and worth, aspiring to make a difference. We recognize in our hearts that we are part of a bigger plan and that there is a great deal more to ourselves and thus we begin the pursuit for the meaning of life, our life. We have an immense awareness that our purpose and value extends much further than that small circle we find ourselves connected to and we yearn to be a part of something so much bigger. That something is eternity.
God has placed that desire for eternity in our hearts. We long to know Him and to make His name known to this world. Until we find ourselves in an intimate and personal relationship with Him, our life will remain frustrating and empty. Until we find ourselves involved in the work of God and making His name known to this world, we will not find our way out of the dark tunnel of frustration.
As Christians, many of us know about God, we know the stories and we have even memorized the verses but do we really know God? Until we encounter Him and develop a love relationship with Him, we will never experience the true joy of life. In order to find our purpose and place in this world, we must draw close to Him. Once we offer Him control of our lives, He is able to direct us down the path that He has planned for us and we are able then to experience the meaning and purpose of an abundant life that He has promised us.
"Father thank You for life even though I do not deserve it and for giving me a life with purpose. Thank You for the opportunity to share Your name and allowing me to make a difference in this world."
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