Droughts can be devastating for plants. If they don’t die from the lack of water and extreme heat, they’ll at the least wither under the harsh conditions. Have you ever felt like you were experiencing a drought in your life? Maybe you felt like the heat or pressure of life would break you or weigh you down more than you could bear. Or, maybe you felt like you weren’t seeing the blooms or fruit of your prayers…. prayers for your marriage, your children, and/or other people or situations in your life.
When our backs are bowed by the pressures of this world, be it parenting, being a friend, working with our finances, surviving in the workforce (or on the school campus), combating self pity (or self-centeredness) or other temptations, we have two choices. We can put our trust in ourselves or in the Lord. We can try in vain, in our own strength, to figure out our own method of survival or we can call on the Lord who created and controls all things and experience true abundant life through Him. Only He can grant us life that stands up to the harshness of this world and the trials it produces.
But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:7-9
When our confidence and hope is in the Lord, we are blessed. We can be victorious through the trials and temptations that we face, and we can stand without fear. We can know that the roots we have grown in our faith of the Lord will withstand the heat and droughts of life while producing fruit.
Lord, I pray that we not fall prey to the deceit in our own hearts…that we not buy into fear, condemnation or lies of defeat and of being overwhelmed or incapable. I pray that we put our trust and hope in you when it rains and when it’s dry and hot... when our lives seem to be running smoothly and when they seem to be strained or out of control. May our faith and confidence in you be unwavering despite our circumstances or what our feelings tell us. Lord help us to yearn for you and your goodness and to know and feel your presence. Help us too to give you the glory and credit for the fruit in our lives. Amen
When our backs are bowed by the pressures of this world, be it parenting, being a friend, working with our finances, surviving in the workforce (or on the school campus), combating self pity (or self-centeredness) or other temptations, we have two choices. We can put our trust in ourselves or in the Lord. We can try in vain, in our own strength, to figure out our own method of survival or we can call on the Lord who created and controls all things and experience true abundant life through Him. Only He can grant us life that stands up to the harshness of this world and the trials it produces.
But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:7-9
When our confidence and hope is in the Lord, we are blessed. We can be victorious through the trials and temptations that we face, and we can stand without fear. We can know that the roots we have grown in our faith of the Lord will withstand the heat and droughts of life while producing fruit.
Lord, I pray that we not fall prey to the deceit in our own hearts…that we not buy into fear, condemnation or lies of defeat and of being overwhelmed or incapable. I pray that we put our trust and hope in you when it rains and when it’s dry and hot... when our lives seem to be running smoothly and when they seem to be strained or out of control. May our faith and confidence in you be unwavering despite our circumstances or what our feelings tell us. Lord help us to yearn for you and your goodness and to know and feel your presence. Help us too to give you the glory and credit for the fruit in our lives. Amen
Written by Stephanie
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