“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Where is your mission field? Many think of a missionary as someone who travels across the ocean to another country. We have a mission field right here in the United States. In fact, there is even a mission field in Pleasantville, a mission field that we can enter and include our children. Being a stay at home mom means that our mission field is our kids, their schools, their friends and the places we visit during our errand runs or eating out. As our children develop relationships at school or other activities, it opens doors for relationships to be built between parents. It opens up the opportunity to invite them into our homes where we are able to share God's love and minister to them. As we go about our daily activities in the world we have the privilege of meeting new people everyday and investing in their lives. How often do we take the time to interact with the people that God has put in our path? Do we seize those opportunities or are we too involved in our own lives to recognize other hurting people, people who need a friend, who need the Lord? How awesome that God gives us this opportunity, an opportunity to make an impact in the world through our children and our simple errands.
As our children get older our opportunities become greater in being a light in this dark world. It’s vital that we teach our children that they are to be examples and reflectors of Christ. It’s important that they understand their role in planting a seed in another child’s life. They can make an impact in a way that as adults we can not because of their child like faith. We must take the opportunity to make our own children our main mission field and disciple them daily.
As we finally recognize what we are called to do, leaving our “bubble” and entering into “the world”, we are able to make an impact for the Kingdom. The blinders are removed and our eyes are opened and we are able to see the world for what it is and where it is headed. Our focus is aimed on God and His will for our lives and the target is no longer on ourselves and what we want. In order for these things to be realized we have to spend time in God’s word and time with Him. We can not keep Him confined to a box that we pull out when times get hard. This means that decisions must me made through fervent prayer and seeking His will. It means times of fasting and praying as we wait for God to speak and show us what He has planned. We have to be available and willing to go and do what He’s commanding us to do. It’s not always pleasant and comfortable but the reward is great and we please, honor and glorify Him.
Forbes magazine did a study on the 7 cardinal sins and the top 10 sinful cities in each category in the US. It gives us an idea of where our country is headed and what it’s turning to in order to fill the void in lives.
Greed: #1-San Jose, CA This high tech hub area leads the list of Forbes 400 members per capita (2-San Francisco, 3-Seattle, 4-Denver, 5-Boston, 6-New York, 7-Dallas, 8-Los Angeles, 9-Washington D.C., 10-Miami)
Envy: #1-Memphis, TN Highest percentage of theft 8,358.21 per 100,000 people
(2-Charlotte, NC 3-San Antonio, 4-Seattle, 5-Providence, R.I., 6-Phoenix, 7-Salt Lake City, 8-Columbus, OH, 9-Oklahoma City, 10-Chicago)
Gluttony:#1 Memphis, TN again with highest rate of obesity
(2-Birmingham, 3-San Antonio, 4-Riverside, CA, 5-Detroit, 6-Jacksonville, FL, 7-Nashville, 8-Oklahoma City, 9-Kansas City, MO,10-San Diego)
Lust:#1-Denver, CO with highest rate of contraceptives sold
(2-tie between Portland and San Antonio, 4-Seattle, 5- Salt Lake City, 6-Washington D.C., 7 tie between-Cincinnati, OH and Columbus, OH, 9-Baltimore, 10-Buffalo)
Wrath:#1 Detroit, MI Highest percentage of murder 47.3 per 100,000 people
(2-Baltimore, 3-New Orleans, 4-Newark, NJ, 5-St Louis, MO, 6-Oakland, CA, 7-Washington D.C., 8-Cincinnati, OH, 9-Philadelphia, 10-Buffalo)
Pride:#1 Salt Lake City, Utah Highest rate of Plastic Surgeons 6 per 100,000 people
(2-San Francisco, 3-tie between Miami, San Jose, CA, San Diego, 6-tie between Louisville and Nashville, 8-tie between Virginia Beach, New York and Los Angeles)
Sloth:#1 Memphis, TN again with 65% of population being obese and 41 hours on average of TV a week
(2-Portland, 3-Las Vegas, 4-Detroit, 5-Birmingham, 6-Louisville, 7-San Antonio, 8-Jacksonville, 9-Nashville, 10-Miami)
Written by Nicole
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